Buyer for Int Ore


Grendel, Lock, Quasabi I believe this guy is buying Int Ore at 10cpu. Could be a healthy sale for you guys.

Lock when you get a chance, can you try to drag a pet or droid into the droid I made you the other day? I think that the data storage module allows you to have additional pets/droids but does not store WP's.
Very healthy sale. Scudd, you are the admin of my house, so are Lock and Quasabi. Together Lock and I have 44,500k of intrusive, together with the 14k that Quasabi has that should be pretty good.

Quasabi, if you are interested please drop your ore off in the entry way of my house and send me and Lock an e-mail with how many units you have.

Scudd, if you need to make the sale yourself then you will be able to pick up the ore from my house. If not, and you can give the name of the person to Lock or Q then they can pick it up and make the sale. I have to work tonight and won't be online until almost midnight my time.

585,000 credits = healthy sale [COG]
I just grabbed the guys name off the SWG forums. His name is in my post above, first line. If I can contact him first, then I will try and make the sale for you guys.
sure scudders , i can give it a try - i have to work late tonight so i'll give it a try sometime when i get home
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