Fileplanet SWAT4 Beta


Staff member
I forgot about that Cop, but I'll check into it here later and if I get a key I'll send ya a private message with the name and pw.


Staff member
I couldn't find anywhere to sign up for a beta key right now. They would allow me to download the client, but of course with no key it would do no good. Sorry man.

Let me know if they are giving them away again in the future and I'll see if I can get one if my account hasn't expired.
For all those that care... SWAT4 beta will be opening again on friday. So for anyone that has a FP account.. you can try to get into the beta.. and if you dont care to play the game... hook me up =P...
Go dynamic!
Go dynamic!
Go dynamic!
Go dynamic!
Go dynamic!
Go dynamic!
Go dynamic!
Go dynamic!
Go dynamic!
Go dynamic!

10-David to entry team, mission complete.


Staff member
Damn I forgot all about that you'd said they were doing it again. I'm going to go see if I can get into the beta and I'll let ya know so you can play too when I'm not messing with it Cop. Unless you have an account with them as well now. Let me know.

I need to shoot me some fools haha!

Perhaps I should download AA as well sometime and try that again.

*Update* I'm downloading it now and will be installing in about 15 minutes or less I would imagine.


Staff member
Damn I need a copy of download accelerator with a key to take it wide open. 5 minutes is a long download lol.
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