Grand Theft Auto San Andreas PC

Anyone here have a chance to pick it up and play it?

Below are screens from my... slightly modified version.

I just took this one.. but I figured id post it since its the last one I was able to get of my sweet sweet truck.. the owner of the leg on the right side of the screen shot stole it right after I took it.. wish I had my M4 on me *sigh*

Heres a few more of my favorite trucks.

The sadler (the green one) is green because thats the Grove Street Families gang colors... so ya..

Heres the guy that jacked my truck.

And this is him after I took revange.

LMAO! Those look like scenes from the movie Training Day!
I love that movie.. I used to have a car in GTASA PS2 that looked like the one from that movie.
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