Raven Shield Demo Patch...

I read on The Platoon that there is a patch for the Raven Shield demo set for a January 6 release date. No details on what will be included in the patch but a new map is rumored.
Schweet! I bet it also includes some "fixxes" to some of the reported bugs, such as the "I have no weapon!" bug and the "face the ladder just right to get on it" bug. Perhaps even some new game modes will be unlocked? Can't wait to see!
Update on Demo Patch

Here is an update from the lead programmer I found on Raven Shield's official site about the patch. Looks like it is due out this Tuesday, Jan. 7. I can't wait to try out the new map. I've seen screen shots of it and it looks pretty cool. It also looks like the fixxed all of the bugs that have ever come to my attention. I just hope that it isn't another FilePlanet download (wishfull thinking, I know).

Hi everyone,

To make the wait for the release of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield more bearable, here is a improved version of the multiplayer demo. We want to assure you that the development team will do everything we can to prevent cheating. There is nothing more frustrating, in online gaming, than cheats. There will be a constant support against it after this title hits the shelves. For the moment, here are some details about this patch:

Bugs we fixed in the upcoming patch:

  • Floating elements (HBS/Helmets/Grenades)
  • Connection for slow PCs (which cause a black screen)
  • Getting stuck on ladders
  • Switching weapon
  • Sound Error Messages
  • Fix some cheat issues
  • Death Physics improvement
  • Misc. Network Optimization
  • A countdown has been added in the beginning of each round

Other than that, here are some new additions:
New Game Mode: Escort the Pilot
Goal: Green team must escort a downed pilot, played by one of their own, to the extraction zone. Red team must prevent him from reaching the extraction zone.

New Map: Import/Export Company
Location: Porto Alegre, Brazil

Arm Patches features - Officially added.

We also adjusted the speed of the player, the explosive ranges, the reticule speed, and miscellaneous message time (Chat and Drawing Tool [F4])

Eric "Arsenic" Begin
Lead Programmer
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3:
Very Nice!

Well, whoever is the first one with a high speed connection should upload it to the cogops ftp server so we can all download it with some good speed.


Staff member
It's out now , I got it and ill up load it to the cog ftp,I got the patch not the full
When we playing, I need something to do till I am able to switch my domain over to my new host.
Yes Wiwi, it's the same.
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