Scudd is now an Ore Whore

Made Master Arch last night, and I am now feeling the effects of the ore slavedom. A Heavy Min Harv takes 7 walls, seems simple enough, but each wall takes 10 structure modules and 200 units of ore. Each structure module also takes 200 units of ore. So basically 2200 ore for the wall schematic, and another 15,400 units of ore for the 7 walls. Pretty sick...

That being said, I don't mind building things for you guys as long as you can bring me the materials. Hopefully if/when I have the opportunity to stockpile ore, I can crank out a bunch of walls and not have to worry about a constant inflow of ore. I also plan to obtain or build BER 13 mineral harvs, which should almost double the amount of resources that I can get on my own.



Staff member
What sort of Resources would you need for that sort of harvester, I'm looking to upgrade myself.
gratz on Master Achitect Scudd!!! that was quick. You beat me to that faster the me reaching Master Amorsmith.



Staff member
7 Walls! why on God's Green Earth would anyone need more than 4, floors and roofs are wayyyyyy overrated.
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