The alliance and the Horde...


Staff member
Since it was the last night of closed beta in WoW there were massive PvP groups forming as usual...

Figured I would get involved and go play kill the orc with everyone else...Id say we had a raid group of about 80 strong so we decided to raid ogrimarr..

This first screen was the aftermath of the starting battle,the horde made it in to stormwin and decided to play tram wars...After The alliance finaly caught most of them on the SW side the horde didnt last long and you can see from the mass ammounts of skeletons where the horde tried to retreat...


Staff member
This image is where the alliance gathered afer leaving the tram on the stormwind side, this is the dwarven district of SW...Nothice the building in the upper left hand side of the screen,we didnt know the horde was hididng people in there but someone decided to find out...


Staff member
We didnt know there was only 3 of them in that,I bet they felt over whelmed...


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The alliance waiting on the rest of the raid group to meet up at the bridge to durotar (the orc homeland and the IF of the horde)...We fought off a couple small attacks while waiting for the groups to arrive...


Staff member
The alliance ride on orgrimarr...

as you can see it wasnt easy, 2 groups didnt listen too well and recided to go though razor hill where they got pounded on and it sorta screwed the raid up.. We did put up a fierce battle but in the end we had to retreat to razor hill...
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