2.5 multiplier is live

I guess this was a stealth nerf.. but from what I understand... brawlers get 2.5x multiplier to anyone holding a heavy weapon (aka commandos). Now I've read post that it might also apply to other ranged classes as well but I have not found a 'official' post on this yet.. still browsing the forums and stuff.. will get back to you guys.

That's very good news for me hehe. It makes sense if you think about it. If someone with superior hand-to-hand skills closes the gap on someone with a heavy weapon, you would think that the heavy weapon would encumber the person to the point that they would almost be defenseless at close range.
I found myself comparing SWG combat to real life way too much when I was fighting TK style. On one hand, it makes sense that if a martial arts expert puts my ass on the ground, that I shouldn't be able to get up and run away. On the other, if I spray a concentrated blast of flaming gel on someone, they probably aren't going to feel like running after me or the weapon that just put them in serious discomfort. If someone shoots me in the eye, well enough said...

On the third hand, I think the 2.5x multiplier for the flamethrower has been in game for awhile. If they changed it to all heavy weapons, that would be something new.

On the fourth hand, riflemen have this same multiplier.

Extra Hands [COG]
I don't do as much damage with Expert Headshot with my T21 as an Eye Shot. Is this multiplier new for Riflemen?
The 2.5 refers to the amount of damage you take when attacked by melee. I think it only applies to riflemen who are prone. In other words, if a creature or melee PVP'er hits you for 100, it is actually going to take 250 from you. This is why I unequip my flamethrower when I am getting attacked by a creature. From Q's post, it looks like they are pushing this to all of the commando weapons.

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