Cities are specialized!!

One of the ones I'm looking forward to as a crafter would be experimentation.. heard a politician can pick the 15% experimentation bonus... this leads me to believe each city will have it's own core of ppl since there will be many different specializations.. probably be a 'crafter's city, a mission city.. so on and so forth...

City Specialization Skill can be earned by a politician. A city can only have one spec in a place at a time. A spec gives the city a bonus in some area at the exchange of an increase in maintenance cost. The city spec may only be changed once a week. An example of a spec is 'Manufacturing Center. This spec increases the city hall maintenance by 20k credits / week. Any crafting done in a 'Manufacturing Center' earns a 10% bonus to prototype assembly results, significantly reducing the change of failures. Others specializations include a bonus to healing by doctors or entertainers, a bonus to militia defense, harvester output, mission terminal payout, possibly more. When you enter a city, you will receive a message indicating the name of the city, its rank, and any city specializations that that city has.
I guess our spec will have to be arse kicking hehe.
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