Joint Operations


Staff member
Damn that looks good! I'll have to check that out when it's realeased. Although I enjoy swg, a good fps is always fun. :zap:
Free Copy of joint ops for beta testers that get 10hrs of playing during certain days... yall shoulda signed up for JO beta...


Staff member
I like the new demo and plan to purchase this game sometime next week or weekend. Hopefully find it on sale someplace. It might not have a third person view when flying or driving as battlefield does, but with the new targeting system in those helicopters it feels like you're flying a real chopper. To me at least lol.

The whole thing seams more realistic to me than battlefield as well. It is alot like the black hawk down game, but I actually never played that myself since I was so into SWG at the time. While I still plan to play SWG and attempt to grind my jedi with the new system it is very nice to play other games as well again.

I'm not sure when the beta for everquest 2 will be going on, but since I got one of the winning codes in my pc gamer magazine to be in the beta I will no doubt be giving that a good look eventually as well. By the time that game comes out we should have been in the beta for jump to lightspeed as well and I'll know if I'll be staying on longer in swg and playing on everquest 2 or if I'll just be jumping to everquest 2.

If I play on both games I'll no doubt be dropping Monsarac's account and will just have to purchase my buffs, etc. from others. That way I really won't be spending more than I am now to play both of them lol.

But back to the topic at hand here. Joint Ops looks like it'll be a blast and hopefully with some AI it won't lag us down any.



Staff member
I picked up a copy today.


Staff member
I bought a copy last night and today it seems I can't connect to novaworld or whatever the fuck it is so I can't even play the game! Reinstalling didn't help at all either. If I don't get connected soon I'm taking this fucking game back to walshit and getting something different!


Staff member
Apparently this game is bugged up or something. I can't get connected at all. I'm taking this piece of shit back later and they will give me something different damnit or I'll break the God damn cd in half and toss and shove it up their ass.
I bought JO today as well. I have installed it, but haven't hopped on NovaWorld just yet. Are there dedicated Nova servers that run PunkBuster? If not, I was considering running a dedicated server on my other machine with the PunkBuster software installed. I like this game, but the cheaters ruin it for everyone.

I picked it up too. I was VERY happy to see the option for PB on it. Nova games have been notoriously plagued by cheaters, I hope this settles that issue.
Well.. let me know how good Coop is.. cuz the game got boring in the Tech Beta.. all I ever got to play was that Assault and secure or what ever it was. If anyone has OFP though.. id love to get some games in.. working on a nice mission oO.

But ya.. let me know about the Coop, like all nova games.. something good is always missing.
The latest version is And the coop is awesome.
According to the receipt I have from Best Buy, I pwn JO.



Staff member
Originally posted by Pointman
According to the receipt I have from Best Buy, I pwn JO.


actually I think novologic continues to pwn your wallets...
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