SCAMMER - Weapon Repair

So I am minding my own business last night on Talus when I get a message that says my weapon has dropped below 50%. Since these are my prized 13k sliced VibroKnucklers, I heed the warning and consult my COG brothers on TS for some advice. This scammer named Assman Buckeye convinces me to create a weapon repair kit and fix them myself. Thinking that this information came from a "bro" and not from a jerk, I built the kit and repaired the weapon. First hit I get the damage up to 600 from 500, but the condition goes down to 800 from 1,000. I wasn't happy with that, but the scammer encouraged me to go on! I tried again and poof my weapon was gone, it had been destroyed! Although this clown didn't scam me out of credits, the pure evil in his laugh told his entire story...:D

Of course I am kidding! Just wanted to share the warning story with the rest of you so that this doesn't happen to someone else. Mandarr, when you have a second I would really appreciate a slice on these new VK's...

HAHAHA! I'm sorry man, but that's what I did with my old weapons and they went from 498/1000 to 950/950 after 2 tries. So, thinking you had the same or better skills in engineering that I did, I figured you would be ok. Lesson learned I guess.
No problem man, just trying to warn everyone else. We all know that Wooks are stupid and shouldn't be trying to do complex things...

Meat Shield [COG]
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