TS will be down tomorrow afternoon. I am hooking up a second computer to run a dedicated server for TS and my FTP. I am not sure how long it will take to configure the router, but I will hopefully have everything up and running before tomorrow night.

I can help now....

Well I can help out and host it until you get it back up and running.
The backup server is running and you will all be able to log in with your username, Scuddman, Knox, Error, Pointman, etc.... The password is the same as the public ftp login. Either that or you can log in anonymously. Hopefully Scudd will have his stuff up and running soon but I hear that them routers are for the devil!
That they are! Welcome to the darkside Scudd! [COG]
LMAO! I just now noticed your new quote! Funny ass stuff man!
And I am convinced that routers CANNOT be bypassed the way they are supposed to. Either that or every mofo that I know that owns a router is a dumb ass. Cop got AOM and we tried to play a game yesterday - he tried for HOURS to config his router and it was a no-go....

Unplug and play [COG]
Well things are working on my end, but the redirects must be jacked. I gotta run and I can't get G-dawg to respond on ICQ. The server is up and you can join via direct IP at We will get the redirects working ASAP.

Router-fied [COG]
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