U G L Y !

I saw this freakin thing out of the corner of my eye and thought that it was a picture of an ugly woman! This thing is one ugly mofo. What happened to the ears?:thud:
Is that Scoobie Doo, or is it Scrappy Doo all grown up?What now b


Staff member

My pic isnt ugly,thats a bad ass pit bull...Most pit bull lovers would kill for a female like that...

And the ears were cropped, they did that back in the days because the dogs ears are sensitive and it would hurt to get chewed up in a fight...Now days it's more for the looks of the dog...
We have had Doberman Pinscher's that we have had the ears cropped a bit so that they stood straight up but it seriously looked like that pit's ears were a little too short. If you say that's the way they're supposed to be then I say they are B E U T I F U L ! We also clipped the tail on our Doberman's, do they clip the tails on pit's also?
Doggie Mutilation! I like how it is made to sound better by substituting the word CUT with crop and clip!

"We cut the ears and tail off our dog so that they wouldn't get chewed on in a fight." It looks like that crazed beast you call a dog has a blood stained mouth!

Runnin' like a mofo, lookin' for a tree [COG]


Staff member
Well,sometimes you get a put and his ears are all screwed up,one ear will stand and one will actually hang so you would want to have them cropped so they dog looks better...Not all pit pulls are like that,some actually have nice ears when you dont crop them but thats not always the case...

And the mouth looks blood stained because it is a red nose pit bull...
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