I found this little bit of info while browsing the other Raven Shield sites today... This qoute was from Aggression

Ubi Soft have started issuing legal papers against Raven Shield Mirror sites. 3D Gamers, a popular mirror site that has helped Ubi soft distribute their game files before, actually recieved a Cease and Desist order!

"3D Gamers has received a Cease and Desist notice from Ubi Soft Entertainment regarding our mirror of the multiplayer demo for Rainbow Six: Raven Shield, ordering us to revoke the demo."

Nice double header Ubi, make it harder for fans to download the demo, and at the same time issue legal notices to sites that have helped you in the past mirroring patches to lighten the load on your own servers! The world has gone mad.

Piss Right UBI Piss Left
LOL. Get it while you can kiddies!
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