hey all just to remind u the demo is out although i havnt downladed it yet and wont have it till at least tomarrow!

Have a great day!
Well, good luck with the demo folks. Let me know how it works out, if it's worth it i'll spend the time to download it. How big is it anyway?
The Alternate Download site I found today is the fastest one yet. Took me and Knox up to 18 mins to download from. It uses P2P transfer.
It's just too bad Knox or I can't get the damn demo to work right.:blockhead
heh, damn Ubi, watch me upload and then get a notice to delete it.
Remember in SWAT how we couldn't really use CS gas in a TDM because it doesn't effect the other team? Well no more baby! I tried out the RvS demo and it rocks like I never imagined! If you don't bring a gas mask and you go near CS, your screen gets all blury and you can't see straight! You also slow down. I assume the effects are just as sever for flashbangs, but I haven't gotten hit by one yet. This game isn't even the final version and it is still the BEST game I have ever played!

Also, another cool thing was opening doors... You don't just hit a button, you have to wheel up and down with your mouse! You can open it just a crack or all the way, it's up to you and how much you turn the mouse wheel!
I am able to get the game up as far as the main menu... I can even go into the options screen and change all my server and game information... However, every time I try to "CREATE" or "JOIN" a game I crash to desktop with a Critical Error

Help? :cry:
Same here. It happens when I try to create a LAN game and an internet game. I see a DOS command console running an ass load of scripts and stuff and then it just stops. Joining internet games works though.
This is what I get when I try to "JOIN" a game....


General protection fault!

History: FD3DTexture::Cache <- FD3DRenderInterface::CacheTexture <- FD3DRenderInterface::EnableLighting <- FBspDrawList::Render <- RenderLevel <- FLevelSceneNode::Render <- FCameraSceneNode::Render <- UGameEngine:: Draw <- UWindowsViewport::Repaint <- UWindowsClient::Tick <- ClientTick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop

:12: Confused :12:
I have no idea. Many people posted the same complaints, quoting the error statements. UBI's reply - "Go download it again." Well that demo got me hyped up over nothing.

Pissed Off [COG]. :swear:
LMAO times 3!

Update drivers, woodywarez, and the Kool-aid man! Scudd my friend, you have just completed the Texas, oops I mean the comedy trifecta!
HEHE. I knew Mr. Kool Aid would be a hit! Now all I need is a Fat Albert Smilie.........
gosh scudd thanks! lol

one bad thing happends and u drag it on (figures!)

if u all cant find decent fast servers for downloading someone is more then welcome to upload it to mine.


Staff member
Dont expect much of a game working right from a demo,it happens all the time when demos are released so I wouldnt expect much from it...

Demos are evil[COG]
demo's are almost as evil as goats with gay merlin hats on.
the hell.... gren are trying to hurt bill's feelings
have u no heart u wench
thanks for brining it home for me locky!
u carpetbagger u scalawag!

picing on the goat geee what kindof man are u lol.

lock u really shouldnt post person pictures of your self on here!:devil:
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